Past newsletters
- Winter 2024 Difference between resolutions and decisions
- Summer 2023 Unlock the spiritual meaning of a physical problem
- Winter 2023 Happy New Year
- December 2022 Happy Holiday Season
- September 2022 Control, power, mastery
- May 2022 Cleaning up your home and your beliefs
- April 2022 Peace is a natural heritage of the soul
- January 2022 Who runs your life, you or your ego?
- November 2021 Become aware of your emotional wounds before you get sick
- October 2021 Are you lacking time?
- September 2021 What does it mean to listen to your body?
- July 2021 Dependence and independence
- March 2021 What do you seek in a partner?
- January 2021 Difference between a resolution and a decision
- December 2020 Dare to imagine
- November 2020 Discover an aspect of yourself
- October 2020 Having power over others
- September 2020 Each of us is playing the victim
- August 2020 Your intuition is only for yourself
- July 2020 Are you being realistic?
- June 2020 Getting to know yourself
- Spring 2020 Mini online course to manage any physical problem - only 10$
- Autumn 2014 Many people still believe that intelligence originates with the "mental body"
- Summer 2014 Do you know why you need to accept the negative aspect of any frame of mind?
- Spring 2014 Can you tell the difference between negotiation and manipulation?
- Winter 2014 Did you know that when you say "I MUST...'' or ''I HAVE TO".. it's because you have an unfulfilled need or desire?
- Fall 2013 Did you know that others are your reflection?
- Summer 2013 Did you know that your soulmate is within you?
- Spring 2013: Fighting can't right a wrong.
- Winter 2013: What's the difference between being sympathetic and being compassionate and why is it so important?