The knee is the articulation point of the leg, responsible for mobility and flexibility. It carries the full weight of the body when standing, walking, running and bending; it plays a primary role in standing from a sitting position, going up and down stairs or simply lifting. The following reference pertains to any problems inhibiting the natural movement of the knee and to pain in the knee joint.
Knee pain, stiffness or inflexibility reflects inflexibility in your perception of the future. It occurs more often in those with an arrogant or stubborn personality, who are unable to bend to new ideas or to the ideas of others. An inflexible attitude keeps you from finding easier ways to face your future and guarantees dis-ease in going forward physically and psychologically.
Your body is providing a painful reminder that you are not as flexible as you want to believe. Remember that your body will warn you of things you are not conscious of. You don't have to fear losing control by bending to the will of others or accepting new ideas. Allow yourself the flexibility to see things from another perspective. You have misinterpreted bending to mean "on your knees in submission." You may have some latent fear of being too flexible related to one of your parents. Address this and realize that you are distinctly different from either of them and, although the apple may not fall far from the tree, your life is your own. It doesn't hurt, however, to be a little flexible and accept some help once in awhile from those who care.