The one that started everything. Inventive, bright, joyful, passionate, tireless, overpowering, she introduces our school to new countries all around the world. She continuously searches and refines our teachings in order to touch everyone's heart.
She sees everything, hears everything and understands everything. Nothing of our school is foreign to her. Clever, lively, sympathetic, she manages the staff and school in a firm but gentle way. As Lise's daughter, she's ideal to manage the operation of the school.
Jean-Pierre Gagnon CEO of our publishing company and GM of our school Ext 226
A real professional! He organizes, creates, innovates and brings our special projects to term. Everything interests him. Courageous, devoted, sensitive, and versatile, he is universally appreciated.
Manon Pelletier Teacher, Counselor and Head of our team of counsellors Ext 237
Manon is energetic, genuine, determined, clever - and pretty and feminine on top of that! The ideal teacher! Attentive, benevolent and radiant, she opens the path towards Love.
Her smile comes natural to her. She is an ideal listener, but when she talks she does it with feeling and humour. Her lessons are clear and concise. She invites everyone to simply BE.
After graduating in psychology, Dina chose to follow a pathway including a spiritual aspect and so she took the Listen to your body professional training in 1991. Since 2005, she works part-time in our administrative team. This schedule allows it to also be able to practice massage therapy on her own account and respond in this way to her need of freedom and tenderness. Dina is a good example of trust. She manages to manifest what she needs at the right time and when this is not the case, she doesn’t worry needlessly because she knows life is perfect.
Digital communication clerk
I gained my first professional experience in Europe as an administrative assistant for two multinationals and as a contract coordinator for an auditing agency. Since 2009, I've had the pleasure of being part of the LTYB team and it helps me to continue to evolve through the teachings. Even though I'm living on the other side of the ocean since 2019, my Canadian colleagues remain dear to my heart.
Sylvie Chenier / Les Éditions E.T.C. Customer service Ext 234
Sylvie has 15 years of experience as a barber and hair salon manager and 10 years in the retail business at Staples. Sylvie knows customer service. She also has a college education in computer science. A nice cocktail of experience to offer the best of her knowledge to our customers and her coworkers. In her twenties, Sylvie got interested in personal growth which allowed her to live her life in self-acceptance without judgment of others. In recent years, she rediscovered a forgotten instrument hidden in the corner of her closet... Sylvie now plays guitar almost every day. A passion was born after hours of practice and aching fingers. She loves to have fun with her guitar on the edge of a camp fire when camping in her camping car... another passion that will allow her to visit the recesses of North America.
Nadia Poirier / Les Éditions E.T.C. Accounting Clerk Ext 235
In high school, I knew I was very good in math, so I decided to become a bookkeeper. At 39, I got surprisingly pregnant and I embarked on this great adventure full of love and joy. Despite my new role as mom, I had to find another part-time job. That's when I found a job with Les Éditions E.T.C. publishing house (Listen to your body). What a beautiful gift! The environment at the office is as unique as the people who work there. It’s a great opportunity to work with foreign currencies and be part of a team that helps people be well worldwide. I am filled now with love and happiness.
In 1990, during my first Listen To Your Body workshop with Jeanne Therrien, I said to myself: "One day I will teach this too". Already working as a physical activity teacher for adults, this teaching corresponded to my ever-growing need to talk about total well-being. How proud I am for having succeeded in making this happen in my life! I feel honored, thankful and energized to be a trainer in the wonderful LTYB team and to be able to pass on this beautiful teaching that does so much good to every participant. Well-being is spreading like wildfire among those who dare to look at themselves. When participants' eyes light up, it is living proof in how this teaching is WONDERFUL and helping us all to discover that LIFE is truly WONDERFUL!!!
Graduate of the University of Montreal in Finance and former professor of mathematics. My two passions have always been numbers and relationships. My logical brain kept trying to understand how people interact with each other so that I can be as “perfect” as possible in my own relationships. In 2014, when I discovered the Listen to your body school, I realized I did not need to act perfectly. What a relief for my logical brain! This awareness has greatly improved the quality of my life and led me to a radical change of career, to devote more time to the teachings developed by the school and consequently to my personal growth.
Curious and artist at heart, I always love discovering the different aspects of each human being and that inspires me. That's why, after 15 years of experience, customer service fascinates me so much. The Listen to Your Body school also allows me to discover myself, Wow!
Music is an integral part of my life, it runs in my veins. Singing is medicine that allows me to ground myself like nothing else can. New mom for 2 years now, life has given me a great gift : To choose to heal my wounds to prevent my child and future generations to have to suffer from them. I work with gentleness and acceptance. Thank you life, for my life.
After more than thirty years of experience as a child educator and assistant director of a daycare center, it is with kindness that she looks upon each and every human being, big or small. She has perfected her human qualities being with kids, and also her leadership qualities with the team she has been running for a few years. Her desire is to be open to others in order to understand and accept them where they are now and where they want to go. Her mission is to help people walk their life path, the one leading them from mind to heart. Since her first encounter with Listen To Your Body, she saw significant results in her life. She then pursued her personal journey that brought her to enjoy the gifts of teaching. Newly certified by Listen To Your Body, it is with joy and enthusiasm that she will pursue this great adventure!
In 1992, at the age of 33, I started a deep personal journey. At this time in my life, I discovered Lise Bourbeau’s little pink book and realized which attitudes were causing problematic situations in my love life : I have emotional dependency and I don’t know myself, nor how to manage my emotions…
In 1995, I attended a complete week of Listen To Your Body workshops at the beautiful Ste-Adèle centre, in the Laurentians. It was the beginning of a long personal growth process and it’s finally in 2012 that I registered for the complete formation.
Learning how to love myself so as to better love others is very fascinating work, even more so now that I practice it everyday at the school itself since June 2018.
Some days it is a difficult process that can also be gratifying when I feel in agreement with the movements of my life, and being able to accept my wounds, forgive myself for past errors and look at the present with confidence is priceless with Listen To Your Body in my life! Thank you Life!
Established in the Laurentians mountains for the last twelve years, I am fulfilled by the nature and the tranquility they offer. Despite my beautiful environment, an emptiness was growing inside me. I felt like I was living with this stranger doing her chores like a robot. This is when I realized that a personal growth process had to be started, which I did about a year ago. I want to learn to know myself, to listen to my body… Writer in pharmaceuticals, I left my work in this cold domain so I could be closer to my adored mountains. As life brings you want you need, I found a job opening at Listen To Your Body. Thank you Life! With great interest, I am learning the Listen To Your Body teachings and it is with pride that I participate in the evolution of this school.
When we have any kind of problem - health, money, confidence, discipline, couple, relationships, work - it's always because we have forgotten our divine essence. This is exactly what I had forgotten until the end of 2010 when I was working towards a professional career as a hockey player. Don't be afraid of the words "divine essence", I am talking about the creative energy that lives in each of us. We are like little walking gods who have the power to create our life the way we want it, but we have forgotten this.
With the simple and concrete tools taught in our workshops, I am now equipped to help people reconnect with this inner god. If you need a helping hand, I'm here.
I am a member of the RITMA association, a group of practitioners and therapists. I am also a trainer for the ESSAE institute in France which provides our school's teachings to business professionals. I live in Sutton, in the Eastern Township region of Quebec.
After working for 10 years in the hairdressing industry, I needed to take on new challenges. So I decided to go back to school in order to do secretarial studies. After I finished my studies, I held a few positions in which I discovered a talent for IT and the web. The secretariat being very large, it was easy for me to combine my new talent with my profession. I have also always been passionate about people and everything related to the helping relationship. When I saw the job offer for the Platform Technician position at Listen to Your Body, I jumped at the opportunity. This position allows me to grow and join everything I aspire to, surrounded by an extraordinary team. I thank life for putting Listen to your body in my path!